Gay Rickmyre - Update on my brother's mother-in-law, Dell Howard: Results of her colon surgery on April 10, she has now been diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. Dell is a strong Christian and believes Jesus can heal her.
Duane Neumeyer - My brother's step-daughter, Melissa, is having a complicated surgery due to bladder cancer. Please pray for her recovery as it is supposed to be long and difficult.
Cliff & Vicki Kee - Our son Cliff Jr. suffered a stroke on Sunday morning. His speech seems to be returning, but he has lost eyesight in one eye. He is complaining about back pain. We are believing for a full recovery.
Ashley - Please pray for my marriage as we're going through a financial hardship and it's taking a toll on our marriage. Please pray that we learn to communicate together and pray things heal along with our hearts! And for my kids to keep reaching their goals no matter what!
Pam Kedenburg - Please pray for my niece Brenda, She know how to do dialysis seven days a week. We are praying she can get on a list.
Cristal Haney - My nephew broke his wrist and possibly needs surgery. Also my prayer is that God will touch his heart and he will come to know Him
Gwen LeVere - Paul went into congestive heart failure Thursday night. He is stable now, but still hospitalized. Please pray for us.
Sandi LoBosco - Please pray for a long time friend with severe health issues now on a feeding tube, but choosing to live rather than go to hospice.
Claudio -  For my life, that of my future wife América, that of my future sister-in-law Claudia. Breaking Generational Curses; removal of inconvenient  people who are not a blessing to our lives, opening of financial resources to cancel debts, Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Health.
Pat Rogers - New update on Laurie Jones, friend of my husband’s cousin. She’s had three rounds of chemotherapy. The fourth and final round is next week, 4/22. She was very sick after the first round but better after the second round.
Mary Lee Hawes - Update: Tuck has passed away. Prayer for Laura Branon's friend Tuck, he's in the hospital with breathing problems  and may not live very long.  Pray for a peaceful passing. Prayers for Laura too, she has been through a lot this year.
Hulda - prayer for Hector  to be  safe and always be happy, and do what Jesus would do, honoring his name.
Joyce Hutcherson - My brother, Jerry Hoppes of Indiana having triple bypass surgery April 9th. Also, I've been having issues with my eyes. Seeing a specialist this week. Of course, ongoing prayers & thoughts are much appreciated. God is Good All the Time!!
Mary Lee Hawes - Tammy Beaty has pneumonia and need prayers.
Gay Rickmyre - My brother’s mother in law, Dell, having colon cancer surgery April 10.
John Broyles - Pray for me and Irene as we take are wedding vows, and become one.
Michelle - Please pray for me and my kids we need divine intervention, miracles and great help.
Melissa - Please pray that God softens my husband's heart, brings him home and reunites our family. Thank you so much.
Carlencia - I have serious infections and sickness. I’m anemic. Pray for my health and my wellbeing. Pray Jesus restores my soul, mind and body .
Doris Pitts - Prayers for my granddaughter, Cali, on a mission trip to Brazil, spreading the love of Jesus.
Bill & Rebecca - Thank God for Chris and Bonnie for helping us.
Gary Wandelt - Pray for America and Israel.
Crystal Vines - Please pray for full time employment and sleep at night..I am not getting any interviews
Scott Gannon - Please pray for my brother-in-law, Roncie. He found out that his heart is disintegrating. We are praying that the meds he has started will help rebuild the muscle tissue.
Andrew & Karin Pick - Andrew healing for bump underneath skin. Also protection and prayer for bipolar depression and for God to show me If I'm saved. For Karin to be healed, not need surgery and be out of the hospital.
Ralph Arruzza Jr. - Thanking God today for touching my dad's life in 1973 here at SDCC. Also, thanking God for my dad being the man, patriarch, father, example, hero and Christian servant that he was for us! (deceased 3/13/2022).
Blake Cretens - Friend, Nathan, in jail. Please pray for a favorable outcome.
Jack Price - prayer to grow in my journey and allow Jesus in my heart.
Ron Able - For our country, government, for Elaine West who needs a hip replacement, Emily Voegile family, Donna for hip problems and me with medical issues.
Cindy Fowler - I've been in a dark place for several years. I've made the decision to return and need guidance going forward.
Reta Walker - pray for my close friend who has dementia, she lost her husband three years ago, missing him so much, Son, Don and his wife, granddaughter, Marissa, my brother, Larry, he and my son’s wife have never accepted Jesus, Don and Marissa, prodigals, to come home, all wonderful people who need Jesus, my friend who has ALS getting worse, friend with cancer who is going to Moffitt to try new treatment, pray for success, my nephew, Bill recovering from throat cancer much improvement, has gone back to work, pray that they will find a church where they can worship and find encouragement Bill is not christian, our country and Israel, protection over our schools and children, first responders the unborn, our churches. There is lot of trouble in our world, but lot of good stuff happening. Our God is good. Pray for me strength and courage to keep on keeping on. I thank god for our church and pastors. Am praying for you.

Xavier - 10 year old with heart surgery
Margie - my illness
Sharon - bowel blockage
Kaitlyn - need help with special needs son

*Please send your requests in the form below. They will be edited and published new on Monday mornings with additions on Thursday mornings, then cleared and refreshed again with new requests each Monday. There is no need to send multiple requests as the text field will accommodate as many requests as you want to put in.